1 (4) Linda Lusardi. Now tops both our blogs.
2 (1) Cindy Morgan. Stays in top three.
3 (5) Margaret Nolan. Ap again for AKA Vicki Kennedy.
4 (3) Tori Praver. Most popular Sports Illustrated girl by far.
TdF "hostesses". Must be gorgeous and be able to simultaneously smile, clap and..er, that's it really.
5 (-) Tour de France podium girls. World's biggest cycle race but you were only looking at the girls.
6 (-) Irene Shayk. Her WAG status is pushing her higher.
7 (9) Jarah Mariano. Back up for Hawaiian swimsuit babe.
8 (6) Kelly Brook. Her relentless publicity machine keeps her in the top 10.
9 (8) Pirate girls. Ever popular.
10 (-) Sofia Helqvist. Swedish Royal's girlfriend seems inexplicably interesting.
11 (12) Ayshea Brough. Up one for perennially popular UFO babe.
12 (11) Gabrielle Drake. Another UFO babe. Another good score.
13 (13) Sophie Howard. Holding steady for Sophie.
14 (2) Cheryl Cole. Big drop. Obviously more interesting if she's sick.
15 (10) Hawaiian girls. South Seas girls stay a favourite.
16 (-) Lauren Pope. Re-entry for busty model.
17 (14) Holly Willoughby. Perky presenter drops slightly.
18 (-) Polynesian Girls. More island honeys.
19 (-) Hinatea Boosie. And again, with a former Miss Tahiti.
20 (-) Luci Victoria. A return for rare British playmate.
Big drops for grapealicious Playmate, Brande Roderick, who plunges out of the top twenty from seventh position last month. Highest entry was for Tour de France Podium girls, but they'll be gone next month!
Top non girlie searches were :

1 Mark Cavendish Bike.
2 Pubic Wars
3 Pan Am clipper flying boats.
4 Fontainebleau Hotel, Miami Beach.
5 MGM Soundtrack Treasury.
6 When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth.
7 Sanger-Bredt anti-podal bomber.
8 Tom Poulton.
9 Ford Edsel.
10 Lagar de Bouza, Albarino.