Had an enjoyable evening out with Agent DVD last night. He announced that he had bought yet another bike; an Italian carbon-fibre job with Campagnolo gears. We are sure he did it just to annoy us! We think he now owns ten bicycles! He is going to need a bigger garage. Either that or he is going to have to get rid of the Porsche and buy a Smart car.
We had some amusement watching the activity around the new racks of Boris Johnson's city bike hire scheme in the vicinity of the Archduke. These have all appeared during our sojourn to Cowes. It was most diverting to observe all the self-satisfied eco riders turn up in the vicinity of Waterloo to drop off their bikes only to find the racks were full. Heh, heh! You wouldn't have missed your train if you had caught the Tube! We don't think the bikes are very elegant but they are probably supposed to be too ugly to steal! Certainly none have been stolen so far but then who would want one of the clunky Canadian-built horrors?

We went on to our favourite local Italian where they had at least three stunning waitresses on duty. Ours was Slovakian and was just the sort of dark and obvious type that we like. Talking about bikes brought up, naturally, the subject of Victoria Pendleton: one of this blogs favourite ladies. Agent DVD hadn't seen her latest Hovis advertisement pictures so here they are!

It's nice to see Victoria earning some proper money from her utter loveliness at last.